Think Rock: Aligning Culture with Strategy

Rachel Vigers, Sarah Clarke and Steph Durbin, Think Organisation and Rock Partners

Collaboration is how Think Organisation works, in fact, it is one of our Founders top strengths. So Sarah Clarke and Steph Durbin, loved meeting with Rachel Vigers from Rock Partners to share their own thoughts on where, and if, culture and strategy meet.

The article discusses how having core foundations are vital, but you also need to manage your culture, to ensure your company culture makes music.

Rock, a business consultancy, collaborates with Think Organisation, as both are specialists in their own area. Rock’s core foundations form the basis for a strong and sustainable business, whereas culture is crucial for bringing these foundations to life.

In this complex, and regularly competing arena, it is often difficult for leaders to know what to prioritise. This is where this article can help you.

If culture is what it is like to be here, then it is vital the foundations are strong to ensure a healthy culture is created.

The metaphor of a choir provides the perfect insight to how foundations and culture are both vital, in their own very different ways. After all, how doesn’t want a business working in harmony?

Read the Rock Partners Interview Here


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