Culture Alignment is Key to Make Work Really Work

Blue sign saying work harder not smarter on the background of commercial buildings including scaffolding

This article explores how outdated leadership styles, poor communication, a lack of employee investment, and low productivity contribute to work not functioning well for individuals, teams, and organisations.

Think Rock: Aligning Culture with Strategy

Rachel Vigers, Sarah Clarke and Steph Durbin, Think Organisation and Rock Partners

Collaboration is how Think Organisation works, in fact, it is one of our Founders top strengths. So Sarah Clarke and Steph Durbin, loved meeting with Rachel Vigers from Rock Partners to share their own thoughts on where, and if, culture and strategy meet. The article discusses how having core foundations are vital, but you also […]

Teaching Leaders How To Think: Ten Tips

Leaders think.

Leadership today is more complex than ever, and as the world continues to evolve, leaders must face challenges that often have no historical precedent.

Humans need to learn how to think.

A Slice Of Culture: Why Cake Is So Important

Image of a rainbow cake with the words what type of cake is your orgnisational culture?

As a Culture Consultant, defining our role can often be challenging. For some clients, we delve into the intricate details of the evidence-based practices that underpin our work, ensuring behavioural changes across organisations…….

Five Steps to Fix A Toxic Culture

Toxic Culture

A negative workplace culture is an environment dominated by practices, policies and management styles that perpetuate unhealthy habits and conflicts.

Why The Most Successful CEOs Focus on Culture

KPI culture CEOs financial performance importance increase profit

A company’s culture unconsciously influences the decisions employees make. Those decisions that employees make impact the results and success of a business, both directly and indirectly. The culture then impacts how people respond in the moment, especially when decisions are complex and there is no set process……

Losing Teaches Us How To Be Stronger Leaders

Image of old battered football on a muddy rubbish strewn floor with the words what can we learn above.

A game of football has a clear objective, to win by getting the ball in the net more than your opponents. Yet losing seems to spin millions of people into a negative spiral……

Can Leaders REALLY Motivate Their Employees?


The role of the leader is to communicate culture.

Some believe the role of a leader is to motivate others. In reality, the role of a leader is to unite a team, communicate culture, and model core values so that the team fosters harmonious and inclusive work environments where teams are inspired to produce exceptional results…….

Motivation: Understanding What Drives People at Work

Image showing wooden letters scattered across purple background with word motivation spelt underneath.

The reason a person acts or decides to behave in a certain way is usually down to motivation. Motivation itself is not visible. It is an internal process. Motivation is the driving force behind human actions that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviours……

Inclusion: Why Organisations Need to Stop Making Inclusion Exclusive

Red plastic toy figure standing away from a group of multicolour toy plastic figures all gathered under a glass jar.

Inclusion is when someone, or something, feels or is part of a group. Inclusion can be a state, or an action. Behaviour can promote inclusion, or promote exclusion. A culture of inclusion is when a group of people consistently behave in ways which ensure everyone feels valued and accepted……