Teaching Leaders How To Think: Ten Tips

Leaders think.

Leadership today is more complex than ever, and as the world continues to evolve, leaders must face challenges that often have no historical precedent.

Humans need to learn how to think.

Why The Most Successful CEOs Focus on Culture

KPI culture CEOs financial performance importance increase profit

A company’s culture unconsciously influences the decisions employees make. Those decisions that employees make impact the results and success of a business, both directly and indirectly. The culture then impacts how people respond in the moment, especially when decisions are complex and there is no set process……

Inclusion: Why Organisations Need to Stop Making Inclusion Exclusive

Red plastic toy figure standing away from a group of multicolour toy plastic figures all gathered under a glass jar.

Inclusion is when someone, or something, feels or is part of a group. Inclusion can be a state, or an action. Behaviour can promote inclusion, or promote exclusion. A culture of inclusion is when a group of people consistently behave in ways which ensure everyone feels valued and accepted……

What Every Leader Needs to Know About Culture Consultants


Organisational culture is the way things are done in an organisation. Organisational Psychologists are taught how to assess and shape organisational cultures. There is extensive scientific research outlining ways to define, measure or manage culture……

Individuals, Teams and Organisations Need Coaching In Adversity


Overcoming adversity and being resilient are all words which are frequently used in our workplaces today. Many leaders contact Think Organisation asking for training or coaching to help themselves, or their teams, learn how to be more resilient……

THINK: How Can You Help People and Organisations Think?

Thinking in organisations

The co-founders of Think Organisation took many months to agree what the Think Organisation should be called because of the power of words. Words possess immense power, shaping beliefs, emotions, and actions. They inspire, console, educate, and influence……

How do you unlock employee engagement in the workplace?

Jelly beans and employee engagement

We all spend a third of our lifetime asleep and a third of our lifetime at work (OWID, 2024), so it would be perfect if we could all enjoy our time at work. Organisations benefit with higher innovation and productivity when employees are highly engaged (Gallup, 2020)…….

Is Poor Leadership Fuelling the Mental Health Crisis?

mental health

Leaders impact the mental health of their team, significantly more more than Doctors and Therapists. In fact, according to 69% of people surveyed across 10 countries leaders have the biggest impact on their mental health……

How To Integrate Psychology Into Training To Deliver Optimal Results

Transformation of Culture

In the UK, companies invest an average of £1,500 per employee annually on training (Employer Skills Survey, 2023). Despite this significant expenditure, many struggle to quantify the value added by these training initiatives, particularly when employing a one-size-fits-all approach known as the “sheep dip” method…….